Blog Archives

Thank God, I’m Not Like You

I hate to admit this but I have fallen prey to the sin of comparison too many times to count.  It’s a dangerous sin and one that befalls many in the body of Christ.  The sin of comparison is when we compare ourselves to others.  As Jesus-followers we are not in competition with each other.  We are to compliment each other and honor one another above our own selves. However, we tend to fall prey to this menacing sin because we tend to still rely on ourselves rather than the finished work of Christ.  Let’s look at a story that Jesus told and see this sin in action.

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Jesus Offers Overdraft Protection

American Christians today have a sin problem.  Many of you are probably thinking, “Duh!!”.  But our sin problem is not that we sin, but rather that we focus too much on our sin.  Jesus has taken care of our sin problem by dying on the cross and being raised from the dead.  He has overcome sin for us!  Our sin problem is taken care of when we place our faith in Him.  Far too many of us believers still focus on our sins and believe that God is keeping record of all of our wrong doing.  Let me give you an illustration to help you see what I am saying.
Think about having a spiritual bank account.  Many Christians believe when they do  good works tImagehat they make deposits in their bank account.  But when they sin, they believe they make withdrawals from their account.  We live this way when we base our lives on our performance.  Unfortunately, I see this in too many believers’ lives.